Wednesday, 25 March 2020

What is the Purpose of Site Investigation

Reports show that most of the issues faced on construction projects are simply because of the unanticipated ground conditions, which could have been dodged if you hire a Ground Investigation Company in UK and carry out a Site Investigation Southeast.

Get Familiar with Site Investigation

Site or ground investigation is nothing but a procedure of gathering information, evaluating the data, and coming up with the potential hazards under a site that are not known.

Site or ground investigation is divided into the following steps:
  1. Investigation of soil
  2. Geological survey map
  3. Initial investigation
  4. Detailed ground investigation
  5. Additional examination and construction control

Site Investigation’s Purpose

These days, people prefer carrying out ground investigations due to several reasons. Some of the important ones are given below:

It is performed to know whether or not the sites, as well as the surroundings, are perfect for the construction project.

If the site is contaminated, then one can know it through ground investigation.

To get the design parameters needed for the work.

Impact of Changes
How would the design impact the groundwater and the nearby properties?

It is performed to know whether any materials are available beneath the site or not. And if it presents, then what is the quality and quantity?

It is done to know is there any groundwater condition that can impact the construction.

Moreover, it is important to examine the site’s existing features.

What Does Ground Investigation Involve?

The scope and design for each survey would base on ground-specific conditions such as construction proposal, the previous usage of the ground, and the expected geology. A variety of procedures and techniques are there, which might be used. Each surveyor might follow a different technique for any specific project. But a basic exercise followed by everyone usually comprises:
  • Desk study
  • Detailed planning
  • Comprehensive investigation
  • Remediation approach
  • Validation
The pieces of information got from each stage are evaluated to assure the initial purposes of the ground investigation are met.

Background Analysis Takes Place Before A Site Investigation

Each Geotechnical Site Investigation needs a field investigation. And for this, geotechnical contractors need to get information on the kinds of structures that are supposed to be constructed and what their usages would be. This generally includes main features of the structure, the time it is going to be built, exactly what techniques of construction are chosen and how long-time construction will take to complete.

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